: 1.6 +
: AppMonster application manager smartphones and tablets, anything regarding installed Android Apps (like backup, restore, manage), user interface.
With AppMonster easily manage, backup . Enjoy AppMonster Pro Backup Restore v3.1.1 like batch backup, batch restore, uninstall, install from SD card, share more.
Simple, fast, easy , stable.
Let support phone reset new phone. -Links you'll get back and update-notifications from Market.
't need , all AppMonster Pro Backup Restore v3.1.1 like backup, restore work without root.
Backup apps:
- Automatic backup app installations, always app backups
- Multiple AppMonster Pro Backup Restore v3.1.1 backup, always downgrade any app
- Backup apps card
- Restore apps from SD card
- Backup/restore install-files (.apk)-Links
- Batch restore from SD card Market
- Batch delete
Manage apps:
- Quick uninstalling
- Search
- Sort -date, name, size...
- Display apps (AdMob)
- Display apps moved card
- Display apps
- Display apps service
- Access options like APP2SD, cache, permissions
- S card-files (.apk-files)
- Share app-links via Facebook, Twitter, mail
- Send backed (.apk-files), Dropbox ever
What's New
3.1.1 Released 30. August 2013
*urgent fix screen resolution
* Professional Japanese translation
* Lengthy operations background. Start backup
* Send files directly from menu
* Modern ActionBar
* App size reduced
* Internet permission from removed
* Faster backup
* Fix automatic backup devices
* Flag "Protected" when ROOT
!!! "Menu -> Refresh Apps" after update !!!
*License check improved
*UI improvements (useless stuff was removed)
*Other bugfixes
*Fix check issues
*Some UI improvements
3.0.0 major update users
*Backup protected apps (ROOT)
*Silent 0-click batch restore (ROOT)
*Drastically reduced memory usage
*Increased loading speed
*Batch restore menu redesigned
AppMonster Pro Backup Restore v3.1.1 :
Download Link:
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