MacroDroid - Device Automation Pro v1.8.1

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, April 6, 2013
MacroDroid - Device Automation Pro v1.8.1

: 2.3.3

: MacroDroid task automation app heavily simple, attractive UI step by step process.

A few examples MacroDroid :

Shake pho Facebook.

Turn connection when a particular app ( again when closed).

Respond incoming SMS location.

Toggle button time (e.g. when its pocket).

Use NFC tags (turn, set volume etc).

Creating a custom Macro :

Click 'Add Macro'

Select a trigger from a list - (e.g. Battery Level).

Configure any trigger specific settings - (e.g. Battery Level < 10%)

Select from a list - (e.g Enable/Disable Wifi)

Configure any action specific setting - (e.g. Disable Wifi)

Add (up )

Optionally select a constraint from a list - (e.g. Day Week)

Configure constraint (e.g. Saturday )

Add (up ).

Choose a name Macro.

MacroDroid includes a list Macros and flexibility application. These templates used, or customised .

set MacroDroid - Device Automation Pro v1.8.1 below:

Over 20 Different Triggers


Airplane Mode Enabled/Disabled (***), App Installed/Removed, App Opened/Closed, Battery Level, Bluetooth Event, Day/Time, Device Boot, Device Docked/Undocked, Dial Phone Number, Headphones Inserted/Removed, Location Trigger, Media Button Press, Mobile Service Status, NFC Tag, Power Button Toggle, Power Connected/Removed, Regular Interval, Screen On/Off, Shake Device, SMS Received, SMS Sent, Widget Button Press, Wifi State Change.

Over 30 Different Actions


Auto Answer Call, Control Media, Display Notification, Delete SMS, Enable/Disable Bluetooth & Connect Device, Enable/Disable Au, Enable/Disable Au, Enable/Disable Data, Enabled/Disable GPS (*), Enable/Disable Wifi, Enable/Disable Wifi Hotspot, Forward SMS, Kill Application (*), Launch Application, Make Call, Open Website, Play Sound, Popup Message, Reboot/Power Off(*), Record Microphone, Say Current Time, Send SMS, Set Brightness, Set Airplane Mode, Set Keyguard (**), Set MacroDroid Mode, Set Ringtone, Set Screen Timeout, Set Volume, Set Wallpaper, Share Location, Sleep Before Next Action, Speak Text, Take Picture, Upload Last Photo, Vibrate

(*) - Devices only

(**) - devices

(***) - Requires root.2

Over 10 Different Constraints


Battery Level, Bluetooth State, Call State, Day Week, External Power, Headphone Connection, MacroDroid Mode, Phone Ringing, Ringer Volume, Running Application, Screen On/Off, Time , Wifi State

Pro Version


The free MacroDroid - Device Automation Pro v1.8.1 macros single action per macro. upgrade application to allow unlimited macros actions per macro.

What's MacroDroid - Device Automation Pro v1.8.1 :

Added Settings option audio stream text.

MacroDroid - Device Automation Pro v1.8.1 issues back stack correctly.

Added test actions option when editing a macro.

Added failed login trigger.

Various crash fixes.


MacroDroid - Device Automation Pro v1.8.1 :

Download Instructions:


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