Big Brother CPU Logger v2.1.7

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Big Brother CPU Logger v2.1.7

: 2.2+ - 4.2+

: Find out what down !

Unlike other tools, CPU Logger records historical information Big Brother CPU Logger v2.1.7 processes running phone. configure information capture. store 100 captures.

CPU Logger automatically begin recording information when an application exceed thresholds over a specified time interval.

You stored over time trends in application behavior identify processes too many resources over a period .

CPU Logger captures. start a snapshot capture processes amount of resources they.

also allows graph captured snapshot , the memory battery drain.

also allows kill the process/S processes if , otherwise it processes.

Big Brother CPU Logger v2.1.7 4% phone's CPU monitoring mode 8% when capturing data.

CPU Logger processes which slow down over time.

What's Big Brother CPU Logger v2.1.7 :

Added support 4.x devices


Big Brother CPU Logger v2.1.7 :

Big Brother CPU Logger v2.1.7 :

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