: 2.3
: Most issues itself likely ' interfaces like Sense, app!
Bass Booster Pro v2.0.2 Booster include :
- Unlimited custom presets
- Homescreen shortcut (see below)
- Virtualizer
- Start boot
- Preset auto-detection (see below)
- Automatic preset call/SMS phone conversations
- 4 themes
- Reverb (in Beta ! 't work phones, so be removed)
Please check out Bass Booster Pro v2.0.2 if ! :
- Bass Booster
- 6 Bands Equalizer (5 phones)
- 20 Presets (, Improve quality, Electro, Techno, Dubstep, Dance, Pop, Rock, Metal, Reggae, Rap, R&B, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Latino, Acoustic, Classical, Party, Voice Boost, Volume Boost)
Homescreen Shortcut :
This feature allows create a 1x1 homescreen shortcut that'll change Bass Booster settings click without even opening ! (see screenshots)
The *first* time a shortcut, some Android Bass Booster Pro v2.0.2 s launch .
Preset auto-detection :
This feature allows presets automatically adjusted according music being played. Let's say're listening Alternative Rock music,, Bass Booster choose preset, but if a custom "Rock" preset, yours selected.
But even further, create an "Punk Rock" preset ("punkrock" works just) "Hard Rock" preset finer equalizer settings genre.
T require a compatible music player audio file locally stored tagged.
Players auto-detection :
- music player
- Google Play Music
- JetAudio Player (recommended)
- RealPlayer
- Player Pro
- Poweramp
- Rocket Music Player
- NRG Player
- Music Folder Player
- MortPlayer
- TTPod Music Mod
- Meridian
- ³ (Cubed)
- Astro Player
- Winamp (for Winamp, enable Scrobbling settings .FM app).
- DoubleTwist (enable Last.FM scrobbling settings)
T complete : others media players may work.
If doesn't work, just drop us a mail 'll see if support added.
If auto-detection doesn't work, try Last.FM Scrobbling settings media player. (For Winamp others players, you install .FM app)
Permissions :
- Receive messages : T needed automatically set a preset if there's SMS.
- Read phone state : T needed set a preset if there's call.
- Start : effects just after boot.
- Install shortcut : configuration shortcuts homescreen.
Disclamer :
We responsible happen phone, your audio device ! Do volume bass boost long. T . Use it wisely !
By downloading t, no case be held responsible kind resulting use app way.
T copyright holders "as is" express warranties, including, but to, warranties particular purpose. event shall owner be liable direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, damages (including, but to, procurement goods; loss of use, data,; interruption) however caused any theory , whether, strict liability, (including negligence) arising way out use of t, even if advised possibility damage.
What's Bass Booster Pro v2.0.2 : (Updated : Apr 30, 2013)
New design
Bass Booster Pro v2.0.2 battery consumption
Bass Booster Pro v2.0.2 presets
Better action bar/Jelly Bean support
Frequently Asked Questions
Bug fixes
Pro only :
Unlimited presets
Homescreen Widget (2x1)
Preset autodetection
Homescreen quick config shortcut
ption dB
Reverb effect (Beta!)
Bass Booster Pro v2.0.2 :
Download Instructions:
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